Water Conservation Overview
Water Conservation for the Long Run

Due to the State of California’s improved water supply, Governor Newsom announced in June 2023 a relaxation of the need for many drought restrictions, and ended the voluntary 15% conservation targets. In accordance with this announcement and with the expiration of the corresponding SWRCB emergency regulations, the Mid-Peninsula Water District Board of Directors approved a resolution to move from Level 2 of the MPWD Water Shortage Contingency Plan back to Level 1. This includes the lifting of provisions that restrict MPWD customers to irrigating only three days a week.
However, the statewide declaration of drought emergency and its prohibitions of wasteful uses of water, such as watering decorative grass on commercial, industrial, and institutional properties including HOA common areas, remain in effect. MPWD would like to encourage customers to continue making water efficiency their California Way of Life to help us prepare for future droughts.
MPWD would like to thank the community for its response to the recent drought and taking advantage of available resources – such as MPWD rebate programs and the Water Watch – to optimize water usage. For more information on SWRCB's Water Conservation Emergency Regulations, please CLICK HERE.
Normal Supply Year - Stage 1 Water Alert in Effect Fiscal Year 2023-2024
MPWD is currently in Water Shortage Level 1 as outlined in the Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) of 2020, which was passed and adopted on September 23, 2021 by Resolution 2021-23.
Level 1 Actions Now Apply
- Decorative water features must recirculate or secure a waiver from the District.
- Washing and hosing down of vehicles and hard surfaces is prohibited.
- New landscape planting limited to drought tolerant plants.
- No outdoor watering between the hours of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- The use of potable water for the irrigation of “non-functional turf” at large CII sites is prohibited.
- Restaurants may only serve water upon request.
- Lodging establishments must offer opt-out of linen service.

The MPWD continues to prioritize water conservation and water use efficiency throughout its service territory. MPWD customers have responded to the challenge by meeting and exceeding voluntary goals by taking advantage of the many programs, rebates, tools, and other measures offered by the MPWD under the California Way of Life water efficiency campaign.
- Water Saving Tips
- Water Efficiency Tracker (2022-2023)
- Free Water Conservation Kits
- Valuable Rebate Programs
- Leak Detection Assistance
- Free Hands-On Landscape Workshops
- The Water Watch – Monitor Your Water Use Online
MPWD is committed to bringing updated information to rate payers on drought conditions, water shortage levels, water conservation efforts and resources, and how it affects our District. Please visit this page for the latest updates throughout 2023.
The MPWD has provided its customers with safe, quality water with friendly, professional service for more than 90 years. We look forward to working together with our customers to ensure continued delivery of our most valuable resource for the next 90 years and beyond.
Please email us with any questions or requests you may have at info@midpeninsulawater.org.

Save Our Water. Click Here
A partnership between the Association of California Water Agencies and the California Department of Water Resources.

Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency. Click Here

San Francisco Public Utilities. Click Here
For more information on SFPUC's 20 Sustainable Tips to Kick Off the New Decade, Click Here