MPWD Customer Connect
The Mid-Peninsula Water District is dedicated to tailoring our communications to customer needs. MPWD’s Customer Connect is designed to provide MPWD Customers with direct electronic communications, such as News Flashes and The Waterline e-newsletters. Signing up is easy! Just select which Customer Connect options below you prefer, fill out your information, and submit. You can unsubscribe at any time in the future.
To remove your subscription to News Flashes:
Text STOP to the News Flash text thread on your smart phone and click UNSUBSCRIBE at the bottom of your last News Flash email. If you would like to switch your phone # and/or email for News Flash alerts, simply unsubscribe your old phone # and/or email and subscribe your new phone # and/or email below.

News Flashes can be received by text message and/or email and will ONLY communicate urgent service alerts and emergency information.

Sign up for future MPWD Waterline e-newsletters and e-blasts as they become available. The Waterline is MPWD's official newsletter vehicle for keeping customers informed on MPWD activities, capital improvement projects, community outreach, water conservation, and customer service.
Need to unsubscribe? Click Here