About MPWD
For 95 years, the Mid-Peninsula Water District (MPWD) has provided its customers with safe, quality water. Along with this unwavering commitment, we also offer friendly, professional service. To learn more about MPWD's 95 years of commitment to the community, CLICK HERE.

Our Mission
The mission of the MPWD is to deliver a safe, high-quality, reliable supply of water for current and future generations in a cost-effective, environmentally-sensitive, and efficient manner.
Our Vision
Providing quality water and essential service, since 1929...now...and into the future.
Strategic Goals
- Demonstrate outstanding stewardship in the management of District water resources, demands and infrastructure.
- Provide exceptional levels of service and value to the community in a cost-effective manner.
- Foster open and candid communication with community, staff and directors that results in collaborative, innovative operations.
- Be viewed as an industry leader for water management best practices.


Enabling Act: The Mid-Peninsula Water District (formerly Belmont County Water District) was formed in 1929 under the County Water District Act of California (Division 12 of the California Water Code, Sections 30000, et seq.).
Seven independent systems, including the Spring Valley Water Company, were consolidated and began functioning as a public utility in 1930. Since the first operation, the District has purchased its entire water supply from the City of San Francisco Water Department. The District now supplies water to consumers in an area slightly larger than the city limits of the City of Belmont. Small portions of the service area are within the City Limits of the City of San Carlos, Redwood City, and parts of the unincorporated County of San Mateo. The District's service territory covers approximately five square miles and serves approximately 28,000 people. In the event of an emergency the district can serve or be served with inter-ties between neighboring utilities, as of today the district has one inter-tie with Foster City, three with San Carlos, one with Redwood City, and three with San Mateo.
The Mid-Peninsula Water District has two main inlets. From Tunnels Pump Station, located on Canada Road near Crystal Springs Reservoir, and Hillcrest Meters, located in Redwood City, water flows through pipes in a variety of sizes ranging from 4" to 24" in diameter. Within the system there are ten storage tanks in which a combined total of 11,360,000 gallons of water are stored. Though most of the system is gravity fed, the system includes nine pumping stations that allow the Water District to pump uphill when needed. Belmont's average daily consumption during summer months is 4,800,000 gallons per day and the average daily consumption in winter months is 2,500,000 gallons per day.
MPWD Location, Service Area, and System Maps
Click on any image below for larger detail.

CSDA Mapping Program
The California Special Districts Association (CSDA) developed a comprehensive and interactive map of independent special districts in California. See www.csda.net/special-districts/map.
California Special Districts

Special Districts are formed under California law for local specialized services and are publicly owned and overseen. For more information, see www.districtsmakethedifference.org or download the PDF here.
San Mateo LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission)
History and Role of LAFCo
MPWD Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Review (March 11, 2011)