MPWD Celebrates 95 Years of Service
Thanks customers for the privilege of serving Belmont, San Carlos, and San Mateo County since 1929.
A lot changes in 95 years. In 1929, bread cost 10¢, milk was 15¢, and a postage stamp would set you back 2¢. Cars were just transitioning from a “luxury” item to a staple of the American family. Radios were the primary form of entertainment, the first Oscar Award was presented to a silent film entitled “Wings,” and the Golden Gate Bridge was still years away from being built. Burns and Allen were comedy’s biggest names, Al Jolson was the most famous person in America, and Ernest Hemingway was the best-selling author.
On July 2 of that same year, a small water district was incorporated under the County Water District Act of California. The Belmont County Water District, which later became the Mid-Peninsula Water District (MPWD), began supplying water from the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System to the local community. For MPWD, much has changed in 95 years, as well: technologies, water resources and conservation, a growing population, construction materials and techniques, and communications. But one thing has not changed for MPWD over the generations – its commitment to provide its customers with a safe, high-quality, reliable supply of water.

This unwaivering commitment – which is expressed in Our Mission – is guided by Our Vision to be recognized for our outstanding service and enlightened water conservation programs while employing innovative approaches to sustainability to achieve cutting edge environmental efficiency and a competitive rate structure. Today, MPWD serves approximately 30,000 people over five square miles via a gravity fed system that includes nine pumping stations, eleven storage tanks, and delivery of 2.5 to 4.8 million gallons of water per day.
The MPWD employees and Board of Directors are proud to celebrate 95 years of service to our community and invite you to join us during this anniversary year for our various outreach events and workshops. For more information about the MPWD and to stay up to date on our community outreach events, Capital Improvement Program, water conservation resources, and much more, please revisit often!
MPWD: Then & Now


In 2024, MPWD celebrates a major milestone with its 95th anniversary. Much of MPWD’s efforts in recent years have centered around upgrading the water delivery infrastructure, maintaining a high degree of personalized customer service, focusing on fiscal responsibility, and achieving greater sustainability in water and energy resources. Some of MPWD’s recent accomplishments include:
- Relocated MPWD Administration to Old County Road following flooding at Dairy Lane Operations Center in January 2023. Reopened to customers in June 2023.
- MPWD and City of Belmont officials met in July 2023 to discuss organizational coordination and leadership activities, including commitments to meet each July.
- Continued partnership and participation in a regional project as a potential future water supply alternative for the MPWD.
- Initiated planning, design, and engineering project for Dairy Lane Operations Center rehabilitation (including flood prevention in the future), and remodel at our Folger Drive property as an Emergency Operations Center.
- Implemented the Spatial Wave GIS-based asset management system for Operations workflow and trained staff.
- General Manager appointed in October 2023.
- Completed bargaining with MPWD Employee Association in March 2023.
- Updated MPWD Employee Safety and Wellness Incentive Programs.
- Contracted with a new financial auditor.
- Continued with diversified investment portfolio of cash reserves, including United States Treasuries.
- Continue focus on encouraging efficient water use and responsible resource planning for the future.
- Completed expenditure of funds ($18,750,000) within the 2016 Certificates of Participation (COP) debt issuance.
- Capital Improvements:
- Completed Harbor Boulevard Water Main Replacement Project.
- Completed the Hastings Drive Service Connections Project.
- Initiated the Old County Road Water Main Replacement and Ralston Avenue Improvements Project, which when completed by the Summer of 2024, will be the final project within the 2016 COP debt issuance.
- Completed design of the Oak Knoll/Newlands/Dekoven/Lincoln/Pine Knoll Water Main Replacements and Improvements Project.
- Initiated water meter replacement program.