Rates & Fees

Updated water rates were approved at the November 21, 2024 MPWD Board meeting, effective January 1, 2025. Information on the rate update and setting process, including frequently asked questions, can be found HERE.

Current Rate Schedule

Service Charges Per Meter Size

Meter size Charge
5/8" $28.00
1" $42.00
1 1/2" $70.00
2" $112.00
3" $168.00
4" $280.00
6" $700.00

Residential Rates - Current Cost per unit*

Commercial Rates - Current Cost per unit*

Fire Service Charge

* One unit is equivalent to approximately 748 gallons.


Miscellaneous Fees are established under MPWD Water Service Ordinance No. 103 Attachment "A" in order to streamline customer service fees and charges.

Credit Card processing fee
(In-person, over the phone, online, and autopay.)
Late payment $10.00 per month
48-hour notice fee $35.00
Shut off for non-payment fee $75.00
After-hours service fee
(Service restoration/turn-off during non-business hours.)

* Only applies to credit card or debit card payments. This fee is waived if you use your bank account information for payment instead. All fees are charged to the next billing statement.

All MPWD customer billing takes place on or around the 24th of the month and bills will be payable in 30 days. This will affect the mailing date of paper bills and the posting date for auto pay customers.

Miscellaneous Fees

Application for Regular or Temporary Service $10.00
Security Deposit $0.00
Returned Check $25.00
Photocopies, per page $0.25
Electronic Files via USB Storage Device $10 per service
Meter Test (Refundable if bad meter) $200.00
Fire Flow Test Report (Actual Cost) $500 Deposit for Actual Cost
Temporary Construction Water Connection: 1" Meter $550 dep + Fixed Monthly + Volume
Temporary Construction Water Connection: 3" Meter $2,500 dep + Fixed Monthly + Volume
Unauthorized Connection to Fire Hydrant $1,000.00
Unauthorized Hydrant Valve Operation $500.00
Commercial Plan Check Review $5,000.00
Residential Plan Check Review (3 units or larger) $3,000.00
Landscape Plan Check Review $400.00
Review, planning, and meeting time for projects not otherwise covered Actual Cost
Labor - Administration $60.00
Labor - Operations Personnel w/Truck (Business Hours) $76.00
Labor - Operations Personnel w/Truck (Off Hours) $95.00
Equipment - Back Hoe, Dump Truck, Compressor $113.00
Labor - Executive Staff $121.00
Labor - Outside Principal Engineer $212.00
Labor - Outside Supporting Engineer $159.00
Labor - Outside Professional Services Cost + 15%

Water System Capacity Charges (click here)

Water Demand Offset Charges (click here)