Old County Road Capital Improvement

OCR Project Update
May 23, 2024
Contractor completed about 96 feet of new 20-inch diameter pipe installation within City of San Carlos along Old County Road (OCR). Contractor completed the Belmont creek crossing pipeline work and paved pipeline trench from Old County Road/F street to Old County Road/Quarry Road intersection.
Outreach-contractor and 4LEAF staff have continued engagement with businesses during work progression. Paving operations during daytime had challenges but most businesses experience temporary and minor inconvenience. Paving was completed within one day and traffic access was fully re-established by end of shift.

April 16, 2024
Contractor completed about 735 feet of new 20-inch diameter pipe installation within City of San Carlos along Old County Road (OCR) from Bragato Road towards Quarry Road intersection. Contractor pressure tested and brought the completed section into service after passing multiple BacT tests.
Outreach-contractor and MPWD staff have continuously identified resident, and businesses affected by temporary shutdown’s and provided notices. During March 2024 service shutdown, schedules were modified to allow County of San Mateo to operate their meal prep program. Field inspector and contractor have engaged business and alleviated driveway access issues. Additional updated informational flyers were handed out.
Project Background
As part of MPWD’s ongoing Capital Improvement Program (CIP), a Comprehensive System Analysis was initially completed by staff and the District Engineer in 2015, and adopted by the Board for FY 2016-2017, to generate a comprehensive list of capital projects geared toward much-needed replacement and upgrade of MPWD’s water delivery infrastructure. On April 23, 2020, the Board adopted the FY 2019-2020 Update of the Comprehensive System Analysis that included a total of $80 million in prioritized, system capital improvements, and a 5-year Capital Improvement Program (ClP) for FYs 2019-2023 totaling $27,425,000 (Resolution 2020-08). Improvements to the water main underneath Old County Road were identified as a high-priority project.
The MPWD’s Old County Road Water Main Improvements consists of replacing approximately 3,200 linear feet of 4- and 8-inch cast iron (CI) and 20-inch concrete cylinder pipe (CCP) transmission line with construction dating back to the 1930s that scored high for replacement in the MPWD’s Capital Improvement Program with 8- and 20-inch polyvinyl chlorinated (PVC) pipe along Old County Road between Ralston Avenue and F Street, and a separate 450-foot section along Ralston Avenue between Old County Road and Elmer Street. The project includes demolition and abandonment of existing pipe and installation of new pipe, fittings, valves, fire hydrants, copper domestic service laterals, and reconnection of fire services to the new water main. Although a large portion of construction work will take place during the daytime on weekdays, a portion of work is scheduled to take place overnight from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am (Sunday night to Friday morning; NO work on Friday night and all of Saturday) in order to minimize inconvenience during the day to affected businesses.
The MPWD will soon be meeting in person with business owners and residents along the construction zones to answer questions and discuss possible concerns. The MPWD will also provide regular updates to businesses and residents in the construction zones and will be available to contact directly throughout the planning and construction process.
OCR Project Area
WHERE: Along OCR from Ralston Avenue (on the north end) to F Street (on the south end), and approximately 450 feet along Ralston Avenue between OCR and Elmer Street.
WHEN: Construction work is proposed to begin in late October 2023, and continue for approximately 11 months.

Construction Highlights
- Construction is scheduled to start in late October 2023, and will last approximately 11 months in total.
- Daytime construction will take place weekdays on the sidewalk, parking lane, and various lanes along OCR from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Ralston Avenue from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- Any nighttime construction will take place from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am, Sunday night through Friday morning.
- During this period, parking and will be periodically blocked off as needed for construction.
- Pedestrian access will be provided at all time.
- During construction hours, please be aware of heavy equipment, construction personnel, and increased noise levels.
- There will be a few hours during the course of the project that the water will be shut in order to connect the new water main. We will notify impacted customers about any water shut-off at least 48 hours prior to doing so.
- There will be detours available during the construction.
- Sanitation services (garbage, recycling, and green waste) pickup times will be changed for certain areas to 6 am. Prior to start of the construction, an updated sanitation services schedule will be distributed to impacted customers.
- During construction hours the contractor will attempt to accommodate customers’ access to their properties, if needed. However, please be advised that vehicular access may not be available depending upon the stage of construction. Vehicle parking outside the construction area will be designated if access is needed during construction hours.
- “No Parking” signs will be placed in the construction zone and parking will not be allowed.
- Emergency vehicles and personnel will always have access during construction as necessary.
- The District Inspector will be onsite at all times during construction.
Traffic Updates
Expect traffic delays up to 15 min. along Old County Road between Ralston Avenue and F Street between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm and along Ralston Avenue between Old County Road and Elmer Street between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday-Friday (non-holiday) from October 2023 - September 2024. Traffic updates, as they become available, can be found at the MPWD Traffic Advisories page.
Contact Us
The Construction Hotline is 650-477-5462. You can contact the MPWD Office with general questions at our Contact Us Page.