ECR Capital Improvement Project

Project Update - December 2021
Mitchell Engineering has completed installation of 8-inch DIP water main between Ruth Avenue and Middle Road as required by the contract. However, the last segment of the installed pipe, from 530 Block of El Camino Real to Middle Road is yet to pass bacteriological analysis test. Mitchell Engineering is struggling to obtain the required Bac-T results for the segment. As a result, the service laterals within this segment are yet to be connected to the new water main. Also, Mitchell Engineering worked on restoration of the sidewalk and roadway pavements in this estimate period.
The damaged CCTV conduits and cables at the intersection of El Camino Real and Davey Glen are still not repaired by the contractor. Electrical sub, Bear Electric Solutions has been engaged by Mitchell Engineering to repair the damaged conduits and cables. Based on the most current project schedule, the repair work has been scheduled for December 9, 2021 at nighttime. Caltrans has been notified and would be onsite during the repair work. An extended lane closure request, between the hours of 7:00 pm and 5:00 am has been approved by Caltrans for the repair work. The cost of the repair is $35,350.00. Mitchell Engineering damaged the CCTV cable during trench excavation to install the new 8-inch DIP. MPWD directed Mitchell Engineering to repair the damaged at own cost in accordiance with the project documents. Mitchell Engineering submitted Notice of Potential Claim against the cost of the repairs, and contracted Bear Electric Solutions to perform the repairs.
To date, about 83% of the contract work items have been completed by the contractor. Contract working days for the project ran out on November 15, 2021. Based on the most recent 3-week look ahead schedule, substantial completion date is December 17, 2021. If this date holds firm, project walk through with Caltrans and City of Belmont Reps will be scheduled for on the week of December 20, 2021. After the walk through, contractor is given a week to address issues or concerns raised during the walk through with Caltrans and City of Belmont. Meanwhile, Liquidated Damages of $1,650.00 per each calendar day of work beyond the contract working days are being charged to Mitchell Engineering in accordiance with the Contract Documents and Construction Specifications.
Disposal of excavated materials to OX Mountain Landfill continued in November under Contract Change Order #2. As of the cutoff date for this Estimate, about 2,830 tons of excavated materials have been disposed at the landfill. Contract Change Order #2 was written for an estimated 2400 tons of excavated materials, but an overrun of about 300 tons is very likely due to service laterals excavation not included in the original calculations.
The construction management team along with the contractor continued to notify residents and local businesses along the pipe alignment of work activities that may impact access to their properties during the month. Notification flyers are continuously passed out to the residents. A series of water shutdowns has taken place recently to connect service laterals to the new water main. Residents were given 48 hours shutdown notice as required by the contract documents unless when unforeseen field issues detect otherwise.
Project Background

In 2014, as part of its long-term strategic planning, the Mid-Peninsula Water District (MPWD) undertook a comprehensive review and assessment of its water system infrastructure and facilities. The goal was to develop a comprehensive, prioritized Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and a functional hydraulic model to modernize the water delivery infrastructure. Following development and calibration of the hydraulic model in late 2015, the MPWD generated a comprehensive list of 92 projects estimated at approximately $52 million (2015 dollars). In May, 2016, the MPWD adopted the Comprehensive System Analysis and Capital Improvement Program FY 2016-2017 Update in addition to authorizing a 5-year funding plan of $20 million. Improvements to the water main underneath El Camino Real were identified as a top-20 priority project.
The MPWD’s El Camino Real Water Main Improvements consists of replacing approximately 3,600 linear feet of 8-inch cast iron (CI) water main constructed in the 1950s that scored high for replacement in the MPWD’s Capital Improvement Program with 8-inch ductile iron (DI) along the southbound El Camino Real between Ruth Avenue and Middle Road, and abandoning a separate 300-foot section in front of Safeway. The project includes installation of pipe, fittings, gate valves, fire hydrants, new copper domestic service laterals, and reconnection of fire services to the new water main. Although a large portion of construction work will take place during the daytime on weekdays, a portion of work is scheduled to take place overnight from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am (Sunday night to Friday morning; NO work on Friday night and all of Saturday) in order to minimize inconvenience during the day to affected businesses.
ECR Project Area
WHERE: Southbound ECR from Ruth Road (on the north end) to Middle Road (on the south end), and approximately 300 feet in front of the Safeway on ECR. (Click image below for larger detail)
WHEN: Construction work is proposed to begin March 1, 2021, and continue for approximately nine months.

Construction Highlights
- Construction work is proposed to begin March 1, 2021, and continue for approximately nine months moving southward on ECR over nine separate phases.
- Daytime construction will take place weekdays on the sidewalk, parking lane, and various lanes along southbound El Camino Real from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Right lane closures will occur between 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- Any nighttime construction will take place from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am, Sunday through Thursday.
- During this period, parking and the slow lane will be blocked off and used for construction. “No Parking” signs will be placed in the construction zone.
- Pedestrian access will be provided at all time.
- Emergency vehicles and personnel will always have access during construction as necessary.
- There will be detours available during the construction.
Traffic Updates
Expect traffic delays up to 15 min. on the southbound El Camino Real between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday-Friday (non-holiday) from March – November, 2021. Traffic updates, as they become available, can be found at the MPWD Traffic Advisories page.
Contact Us
The Construction Hotline is 650-622-4360. You can contact the MPWD Office with general questions at our Contact Us Page.