Agendas & Minutes
Board Meeting Agenda are required to be displayed online for public access at least 72 hours before scheduled Board Meetings. The public may comment on items on the Agenda or off the Agenda if it is within the jurisdiction of the Board. However, no items can be acted upon that do not appear on the Agenda. The public may view regular Board Meetings live online HERE.
Below, you can browse and search through official MPWD Board Meeting records using NovusAGENDA electronic meeting management software. This user-friendly tool allows for easier and enhanced access to agenda packets and meeting minutes by providing search functions based on date ranges, meeting type, and specific text all the way back to 2015.
Video recordings of previous Virtual Board Meetings are available HERE (YouTube)
Past Board Meeting Agenda
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Past Board Meeting Packets
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Past Board Meeting Minutes
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Finance Committee Meetings
The Board Finance Committee is comprised of two Board members plus the District Treasurer. Meetings to discuss MPWD financial matters will be scheduled as needed and the agenda and any related materials will be posted here. Committee Board members will orally present summary reports of the committee meeting at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
The Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency
BAWSCA was created to represent the interests of 24 cities and water districts, and two private utilities, in Alameda, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties that purchase water on a wholesale basis from the San Francisco regional water system. As a water agency, Mid-Peninsula Water District is a member of BAWSCA. BAWSCA is the only entity having the authority to directly represent the needs of the cities, water districts, and private utilities (wholesale customers) that depend on the regional water system. BAWSCA provides the ability for the customers of the regional system to work with San Francisco on an equal basis to ensure the water system gets fixed, and to collectively and efficiently meet local responsibilities.
Click here to access to BAWSCA's Board Agenda and Minutes »